International Students

Sheridan is here to be your home away from home - we have experienced the excitement of moving to a new country. We know the challenges you will face along the way and we care for you. We are here to support you through the ups and downs, towards the completion of your study and the achievement of your life goals.

Find an authorised agent to assist you with your application to Sheridan

Student accommodation near Sheridan

Perth is in the top ten of the most liveable cities in the world!
Health insurance for international students that helps to cover medical costs while studying in Australia
Information for children of international students
Access personal and academic support at Sheridan
Access support for international students currently studying in Perth

Ready to Apply?

Reach your study goals affordably in a community of caring and supportive staff and faculty that value quality education.


TEQSA Provider ID: PRV14012
CRICOS Provider Number: 03391M
ABN: 22 506 508 071

Find us

Suite 18, 7 Aberdeen Street
Perth WA 6000

PO Box D178 Perth WA 6849